The Persistence PR Hall of Fame

Category: Uncategorized

September 22, 2015
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It’s no secret that we are big fans of persistence here at Persistence PR (is that redundant?) So we’ve created what we believe to be the first ever Persistence PR Hall of Fame (PPHOF). Just like Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, Walter Johnson, Honus Wagner and Christy Mathewson were the first ever inductees of the MLB HOF, here’s our first class:

• J.K. Rowling’s first Harry Potter novel was rejected by 9 publishers prior to being accepted.
• Thomas Edison tried more than one-thousand filament objects before discovering tungsten to create the light bulb.
• Henry Ford’s early businesses failed and left him broke 5 times before he founded Ford Motor Company.
• Walt Disney went bankrupt after failing at several businesses. He was even fired from a newspaper for lacking
imagination and good ideas.
• Albert Einstein was thought to be mentally handicapped before changing the face of modern physics and winning the Nobel
• Dr. Seuss’s first book was rejected by 27 publishers before it was accepted.
• American author Jack London received 600 rejections before his first story was accepted.

If you think you might have one to submit please do so. And of course, keep on persisting!